4 Easy Ways To Open Blocked Websites For Free In 2019

Vpn is  Virtual Private Network and it is an awful connection method used to add security and privacy to private and public networks, like WiFi Hotspots and the Internet. 
Image result for how to open website through vpn
VPN is our need because everyone wants safe browsing or access the whole internet. 
We face blocked websites on the internet every now and then. The websites could be blocked due to various different reasons. 

Why Websites Get Blocked
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There are some reasons why certain websites become blocked: government censorship, distribution rights, and organization restrictions.
  • Government Censorship: Some governments use censorship to block websites they think to threaten their power, offend national values or provide people with unbiased information. This type of website-blocking can be seen in varying degrees all over the world. For example:
    • Google is completely blocked in China.
    • The Saudi government blocks any web page it decides is “immoral,” including many Wikipedia articles.
    • Pornographic websites and websites criticizing the King are blocked in Thailand.
    • YouTube is completely blocked in China, Iran, Syria, Sudan, and several other countries.
Distribution rights:-
                                            Many sites are also geo-blocked abroad due to content distribution restrictions. 

Organization restrictions:-
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Many establishments offering Internet service choose to restrict access to certain content as well. You might also notice that many schools and workplaces block websites that they decide are unacceptable.
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There are 4 ways to open any websites : 1. Google Translate 2. Opera VPN 3. Wayback Machine 4. Free Proxy 5:Hide.me


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